HAVOC LIFE filter by Madeforthegrind

Persistence Pays Off

Persistence Pays Off

The next day, I headed back to the farm solo, to try and get the job done. I decided to change it up and head off into the hardwoods
on May 25, 2022
Iced Over Mallards

Iced Over Mallards

The 2021-2022 season was a tough year but it is a few hunts with friends that can really make a season feel like it was successful
on May 18, 2022
Second Season Success in Illinois - Havoc Calls

Second Season Success in Illinois

It is the opening week of season here in Illinois and everyone is starting to harvest birds except me, I have to wait one more week for the second season to open so I can try my luck. I'm focusing on getting my gear ready for my “opening day” and scouting as much as possible to try and get the drop on the birds.
on April 30, 2020
The Perfect Timber Hunt - Havoc Calls

The Perfect Timber Hunt

The perfect forecast was in the cards for the solo hunt coming up, I had been hunting this hole for a few days and mallards had been hitting the woods hard those few days and I knew that time was running low
on April 16, 2020
Passing it on - Havoc Calls

Passing it on

When I think about a juvenile hunt I think about young men/women learning and seeing what the outdoors has to offer. I think about the smiles and laughs they share with their mentors. I think about the joy and excitement that the mentors express when they don’t even have a gun in their hands.
on March 11, 2020
We've hit the Lottery!! - Havoc Calls

We've hit the Lottery!!

Three of us got up and ran out to pick them up. I hear someone yell “we got a band!” Then I hear “I got one too! Wait this one's banded too!”
on February 19, 2020


If you love Waterfowl and Turkey Hunting, you’ll feel right at home here. With great articles written by Havoc Staffers & Friends about all things hunting.